Easy Ways to Use the Masala Spice Blends

Image description: Barkha Cardoz’ gloved hands reaching into mix a large vat of masala spices blended together.

Image description: Barkha Cardoz’ gloved hands reaching into mix a large vat of masala spices blended together.

So, you’ve got the new FC + B&B Collaboration Masalas and don’t know how to cook with them?

Sometimes you’re ready to dive headfirst into a new recipe or exciting cuisine. Other days, you crave comfort food and playing it safe. If you’re hankering to cook somewhere in the middle, we’ve got your back.

Working with the many spices that blend together for an Indian masala can seem intimidating when it comes to where and how to start playing around. If you’re not ready to jump into one of Floyd’s or Floyd’s Friends’ recipes, take your time getting familiar with the flavors and aromas of the masalas. Then, have fun exploring where they might fit into dishes you already make.


Goan Masala: The bright and pungent Goan Masala is the Cardoz family’s everyday spice blend. Loaded with turmeric, black pepper and cumin, it gives curries a creamy mouthfeel and tons of warm flavor without being spicy.

  • Mix it into coconut milk or cream and gently simmer with veggies and/or chicken.

  • Try a sprinkle atop a yogurt dip or toast with feta or goat cheese.

Kashmiri Masala: A special blend of Kashmiri chili, ginger, and fennel, the Kashmiri Masala is savory and spicy!

  • Toss veggies in it.

  • Make into a marinade or use as a rub on meat before roasting or grilling. (A leg of lamb would be amazing.)

  • Add with yogurt to your favorite stewed meat, vegetable, and bean dishes to meld the flavors together.

Garam Masala: Most recipes for Garam Masala are kept close to the chef’s chest — and for good reason. Sweet and aromatic, it’s perfect for breakfast through dessert!

  • Use like you would cinnamon in banana breads, muffins, or pie recipes.

  • Mix into.

  • Use to spice up a hot cocoa, golden latte, or add a little warmth to your morning java.


There are countless ways to incorporate Floyd’s Masalas into dishes you’re already making. So open up those jars and let your senses guide you! Don’t be afraid to sniff, touch, and taste. Floyd chose to work with Burlap & Barrel for a reason — their mutual respect and love for spices comes through clearly in these little jars. So start small with how much you use, but have fun playing with these beautiful ingredients.

It was Floyd’s mission to make true Indian flavors and spices more accessible for American homes. We’re excited you’ve brought them into yours.

— The FC Legacy team

Don’t forget to tag #FloydsFood when sharing your Floyd-inspired creations on Instagram!

Are you a chef or food blogger with a recipe utilizing the FC + B&B Collaboration Masalas? Send it to us so we can share it with the world!

Image: The Bombay Bread Bar - photo Teddy Wolf

Image: The Bombay Bread Bar - photo Teddy Wolf


Kashmiri Kofta Curry


Goan Masala Shrimp Curry